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Deaths in 2017, 2018, and 2019

Here are the deaths of federal elected individuals from 2017 to 2019.

May 2017

28: Jim Bunning, former U.S. Senator (R-KY), 85.

July 2017

19: Ralph Regula, former representative (Louise McIntosh Slaughter (D, Zell Miller, former governor and Senator (D-GA), 86.

July 2018

30: Ron Dellums, former representative (82.

August 2018

17: Leonard Boswell, former congressman (John McCain (R-AZ), former POW, two-time presidential nominee, and 30+-year member of Congress, 81.

November 2018

30: George H. W. Bush, 41st President of the United States, 43rd Vice President, and representative (R-TX), 94.

February 2019

8: John Dingell, Jr., former representative from Michigan and Dean of the House, 92.

11: Walter Jones, former representative (R-NC), 76.

April 2019

19: Ernest ‘Fritz’ Hollings, former Senator (D-SC), 97.

July 2019

10: William Dannemeyer, former representative (R-CA), August 2019

9: Paul Findley, former representative (D-IL), October 2019

18: Elijah Cummings, representative (D-MD), 68.

27: John Conyers, former representative (D-MI), 90.

29: Kay Hagan, former Senator (D-NC), 66.

November 2019

1: J. Bob Traxler, former representative (D-MI), 88.

1: William Hughes, former representative (D-NJ), 87.


8: Berkley Bedell, former representative (D-IA), 98.

26: Jocelyn Burdick, former Senator (D-NPL-ND), 97.